Push Registry
Below are some details of Push Registry you'll never find anywhere else....
Samsung Devices
1. A question is not asked even though setting is made to ask everytime. It always auto-launches.
2.Incoming message which auto-launches the application is not given to the application after launch.
3. Published numbers and document pointer: "http://developer.samsungmobile.com/
1. Nokia device supports 30 message queue and every message after that i.e. 31st or later is rejected completely with a message shown to the user.
2. Published numbers and document pointer: "http://forum.nokia.com/devices"
1. 30 messages are tested to prove the auto-launched. Motorola Devices don't have a limit as such
2. Published numbers and document pointer "http://developer.motorola.com/docstools/specsheets"
STATIC Push Registry:
Push registry (Static) is performed using the following attribute in the Midlet JAD file:
MIDlet-Push-, n being the sequential number
MIDlet-Push-1: sms://:50000, com.yourcompany.app.DemoMidlet, *
MIDlet-Push-2: mms://:Demo51000, com.yourcompany.app.DemoMidlet, *
Above example illustrates the static registry which can be used in a midlet. Based on the above two registries, DemoMidlet would be able to launch on any incoming message (SMS, MMS) which comes to port 51000 (SMS) or Demo51000 (MMS)
Samsung Devices
1. A question is not asked even though setting is made to ask everytime. It always auto-launches.
2.Incoming message which auto-launches the application is not given to the application after launch.
3. Published numbers and document pointer: "http://developer.samsungmobile.com/
1. Nokia device supports 30 message queue and every message after that i.e. 31st or later is rejected completely with a message shown to the user.
2. Published numbers and document pointer: "http://forum.nokia.com/devices"
1. 30 messages are tested to prove the auto-launched. Motorola Devices don't have a limit as such
2. Published numbers and document pointer "http://developer.motorola.com/docstools/specsheets"
STATIC Push Registry:
Push registry (Static) is performed using the following attribute in the Midlet JAD file:
MIDlet-Push-1: sms://:50000, com.yourcompany.app.DemoMidlet, *
MIDlet-Push-2: mms://:Demo51000, com.yourcompany.app.DemoMidlet, *
Above example illustrates the static registry which can be used in a midlet. Based on the above two registries, DemoMidlet would be able to launch on any incoming message (SMS, MMS) which comes to port 51000 (SMS) or Demo51000 (MMS)