OTA on Mobile Devices

Some points to remember when trying OTA on certain devices:

Many of the Devices like Sharp and Panasonic need an Absolute path to be listed in the jad file’s URL property, i.e. usually in the URL property; only the name of the jar file is mentioned. Rather than this, one should put the full url of the jar file e.g., “http://www.yourwebsite.com/j2me/XYZ.jar”

Many of the devices also have a problem with the length of the string used in the name of jar file or the entire path. So preferable would be to try and test the smaller names as well.

Always check the cases of the names used. We have seen that many a times that people input improper cases in the names. J2me naming is very much case sensitive.

Do try downloading midlets of various sizes on the devices, if particular size doesn’t load. Devices also seem to have a limitation on allowable Jar size.

Check if the device is specific to any operator. Certain operators need some properties to be defined in specific way in the jad files. Make sure this is known. E.g., Vodafone does require some properties defined in some devices.

Make sure the device is being tested with Normal as well as Advanced GPRS (Edge) connectivity and from different operators.

Make sure that server is up and running

If there is an option to clear the Cache of the device’s browser, then also try doing that, as many a times, same old content might reside in cache and hence it might not load the new refreshed contents.

Also try deleting some existing applications on the device, before downloading the new game. Some devices like LG have an issue on how many apps can you have installed at a time. On certain devices like LG c2200, there is a bug, where phone crashes if you install more then 3 games on the phone.


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