OTA on Blackberry

(The procedure used below is same as we normally do for other devices of Nokia, SonyEricsson, Samsung etc. Also the .jad /.jar files used here are having the normal attributes generated by the toolkit i.e. no RIM attributes are included.)

We can download standard MIDlets and BlackBerry-specific applications/games over the air, wirelessly. We put our .jad & .jar files in the FTP server along with the .wml file in which .wml contains the path of the .jad file & .jad file to describe the application, containing the path of .jar file. To download, (give the address of the files) & select the .wml file from a browser.
As we are having the MDS features enabled, we download a .jar file to a BlackBerry device 7290, so it can convert the file to .cod format. The Mobile Data Service feature of the BES provides a built-in transcoder that converts .jar files into .cod files. And hence the game will be downloaded within some minutes.
In order to delete the game/applications which are downloaded from the OTA .
The following steps to be
1) Go to Options press Trackwheel
2) Go to Applications press Trackwheel
3) Scroll the Trackwheel & move to the game, it will be highlighted, then again press the trackwheel it will show in the option as Delete, now from here we can delete the game.


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