
Showing posts from May, 2009

Push Registry

Below are some details of Push Registry you'll never find anywhere else.... Samsung Devices 1. A question is not asked even though setting is made to ask everytime. It always auto-launches. 2.Incoming message which auto-launches the application is not given to the application after launch. 3. Published numbers and document pointer: " Nokia 1. Nokia device supports 30 message queue and every message after that i.e.  31st or later is rejected completely with a message shown to the user. 2. Published numbers and document pointer: "" Motorola  1. 30 messages are tested to prove the auto-launched. Motorola Devices don't have a limit as such  2. Published numbers and document pointer "" STATIC Push Registry: Push registry (Static) is performed using the following attribute in the Midlet JAD file: MIDlet-Push- , ...

OTA on Blackberry

(The procedure used below is same as we normally do for other devices of Nokia, SonyEricsson, Samsung etc. Also the .jad /.jar files used here are having the normal attributes generated by the toolkit i.e. no RIM attributes are included.) We can download standard MIDlets and BlackBerry-specific applications/games over the air, wirelessly. We put our .jad & .jar files in the FTP server along with the .wml file in which .wml contains the path of the .jad file & .jad file to describe the application, containing the path of .jar file. To download, (give the address of the files) & select the .wml file from a browser. As we are having the MDS features enabled, we download a .jar file to a BlackBerry device 7290, so it can convert the file to .cod format. The Mobile Data Service feature of the BES provides a built-in transcoder that converts .jar files into .cod files. And hence the game will be downloaded within some minutes. In order to delete the game/applications which are do...

A Very nice link for Blackberry Development

OTA on Mobile Devices

Some points to remember when trying OTA on certain devices: Many of the Devices like Sharp and Panasonic need an Absolute path to be listed in the jad file’s URL property, i.e. usually in the URL property; only the name of the jar file is mentioned. Rather than this, one should put the full url of the jar file e.g., “” Many of the devices also have a problem with the length of the string used in the name of jar file or the entire path. So preferable would be to try and test the smaller names as well. Always check the cases of the names used. We have seen that many a times that people input improper cases in the names. J2me naming is very much case sensitive. Do try downloading midlets of various sizes on the devices, if particular size doesn’t load. Devices also seem to have a limitation on allowable Jar size. Check if the device is specific to any operator. Certain operators need some properties to be defined in specific way in the jad fil...

Splits a string effeciently using vectors

/** * Splits the Long string so that it can be wrapped on the screen * @param strText Text to be wrapped * @author Gudipati Pradeep - Wipro */ public static String[] splitString(String strText, Font font, int screenWidth) { String strTemp = ""; int nLastBreakPos = 0; int nLastBreakInString = 0; int nPosInString = 0; int nCharacter = 0; int nStringWdInPixel = 0; int width = screenWidth - 5 * 3; Vector splitString = new Vector(); /* Before adding the nCharacter, check that the length of the string isn't already at the max */ for (int i = 0; i nCharacter = strText.charAt(i); nPosInString++; strTemp += strText.charAt(i); nStringWdInPixel += font.charWidth(strText.charAt(i)); if ((nCharacter == ' ') || (nCharacter == '.') || (nCharacter == '!') || (nCharacter == '?') || (nCharacter ==...

Mobile Applications

Mobile Applications are fast becoming the craze of all. With new and technological advancements updating your experience on a mobile the importance for mobile based applications is fast increasing. Some of the examples of Mobile Applications are 1. Mobile banking related applications. a) Mobile optimized Browser based app. b) Mobile payment solutions using NFC + Secure Element. 2. Enterprise applications 3. Entertainment based applications e.g Daily Astrology. 4. Utilities : e.g Doc processing, etc 5. Games In my last 5 years of working on mobile I have worked on all the above fields and was throughly impressed with the amount of money being spent on developing such applications. Some of the applications I have worked on are Health care, Order Processing,Mobile Payment solutions, mobile banking solutions, games,website porting etc. The most impressive of all applications that i have worked on was Mobile Payment in which we could use our phone as a Credit Card and complete payme...