Workflow for SUP 2.1.3 examples Client Initiated and Server Initiated
Workflow for SUP 2.1.3 examples Client Initiated & Server Initiated
This Project is a WorkFlow MBO and Forms sample.
The application has 2 entry points
1. Client Initiated
2. Server Initiated
Client Initiated Flow
To launch the application
a) go to the Workflow HWC application
b) launch the Workflow
c) Open the Server workflow Application SUP101ServerIni
Server Initiated Flow
Assuming that the workflow is deployed to the device
To send a notification from the server -
a) Open the Workflow Forms editor (Double click on the xbw).
b) Select the Flow Design tab and right click anywhere in the white space
c) Select the "Send a notification" option from the context menu
d)Fill in the Subject as shown below
e.g : Customer-119,CA
e) Click on the Get Device Users and select the supAdmin
f) send the notification
g) On the device you will now notice a new message. Open it to see
the details of the Customer id you entered.