
Showing posts from February, 2010

DualBOOT Android with Windows Mobile

DualBOOT Android with Windows Mobile This might be the ultimate tool for the smartphone freak in you! Folks over at XDA-Developers, who are known for their awesome applications and mods for  Windows  Mobile  and (now) Android based devices, have come up with their latest contraption -  the Gen.Y DualBOOT . Now, if that name has had you stumped, allow us to simplify things. Gen.Y DualBOOT is a tool designed for Windows Mobile (6.1 and 6.5) devices that will enable users to dual boot Windows Mobile with Android OS - on the same phone. All the Gen.Y DualBOOT does is to add an option at startup asking you to choose which OS you want to boot to. It works with all Windows Mobile smartphones that have WVGA, VGA and QVGA screen resolutions. XDA Developers forum has a  thread  dedicated to Gen.Y DualBOOT where users can learn more about the  installation  process . If you happen to own a reasonably capable Windows Mobile powered handset, you might ...

Symbian OS dying a slow death

Off late with Samsung LG and SE releasing phones with Android OS. It looks like that the Symbian OS is dying a slow death.  Nokia is stuck with the old Symbian OS which frankly, pales in comparison compared with its competition such as the Android or the uber cool iPhone or businessman's favorite the RIM Blackberry.  Symbian is finding less and less users and Symbian developers are moving on to iPhone development.  Though I admit, that  Symbian is the world's most popular mobile operating system, accounting for 45% of Smartphone sales. The sales of other OS based phones pales in comparison to Symbian. But the Symbian based phones are fast losing their sheen and the sales are dropping. Nokia itself has reduced its targets becoz of dropping sales.  The one main reason I say that the Symbian is dying a slow death is becoz of the more advanced options available on the other systems like the Android or the Blackberry or the iPhone.  Some of ...

Android controlling android !!!!!!!!!!!!!